
Unlock The “Fail-Proof” Transformation Blueprint Busy People Are Using To Burn Fat, Shed Unwanted LBs And Transform Their Bodies…

YES! I’m Ready To Start 2022 Off On The RIGHT Foot!


In As Little As 8 Weeks!

Fitness “Dropouts” Are Using This Fat-Burning Formula To Stay Motivated And Get In Shape (Even If NOTHING Has Ever Worked Before!)

No Charges At This Time!

Our Commitment & Iron-Clad Guarantee

Our 2022 Transformation Challenge has been designed and tested to help you achieve the results you want - faster and easier than you ever imagined.

Our reputation for being the last stop for fitness success is backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee - Absolutely LOVE your results at the end of your challenge, or you don't pay. The only thing you have to lose is the fat!

As Seen On:



Because most programs do NOT offer the ongoing support, engagement and accountability necessary for you to achieve your BIG goals.

(And this is especially true around New Years!)

You see, New Years is one of the most inspiring and hopeful times of the whole year (that’s why we set New Year's resolutions!).

An entire year of promising opportunities is waiting for us, and it’s a time of excitement, new energy, and BIG goals....

At least, for a few short weeks!

After the first week or so, it’s EASY to fall off the wagon, lose motivation and backslide.

Life starts up again (and gets pretty busy), the holiday weight is still piling on, and it’s easy to push your goals into the “later” basket.

Unfortunately, “later” only rolls around with a new set of New Year's Resolutions (cue your 2023 goals).

But what if you could make 2022 your BEST year yet - without backsliding, losing motivation, or feeling overwhelmed?

What if you could take control of your health and wellness and feel AMAZING in just 56 short days?

No more putting it off, no more “wishing” you could look and feel your best…...

Just a simple, clear action plan and a TON of motivation, resources, and support!

Would you be interested?

It’s time to end the endless yo-yo weight loss cycle and finally reach your fitness goals!

Introducing The 2022 :

The 2022 New Year - New You Transformation Challenge was designed for average people to ditch the yo-yo cycle and achieve ultimate body transformation success.

(That means no more exhausting uphill struggles, low motivation, and failure in your workout routine).

GO: Fitness has helped thousands of people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals once and for all, and we are so excited to have the opportunity to work with you and take your fitness to the next level!

YOU could become our next BIG success story.

  • • Our 40 Page Transformation Success Manual
  • • Personalized Nutrition Plan
  • • Semi-Private and Group Training
  • • Mindset and Motivation Coaching
  • And so much more

Do you have what it takes to step up and receive the hands-on coaching, support, and guidance you need to achieve your goals with our 2022 New Year - New You Transformation Challenge?

When you work with us, you’ll have access to:

Because our program is completely results-focused, you won’t find any unnecessary (or overwhelming) fluff and filler cluttering up your day.

Instead, you receive a clear, concise system anyone can follow to achieve overwhelming success… in just 8 Short Weeks.

Yes, really!

(Unfortunately, I do have bad news…)

We only accept enrollment for 20 non-Members in this program.

(yes, just 20!)

So, if you’re serious about getting results, we highly encourage you to act NOW and reserve your spot.

When you reserve your spot, you have NO obligation to pay a single cent, or to join the program at all.

But, it DOES reserve your limited-time spot, and give you the opportunity to prioritize your health and get in on this life-changing program.

Sound good?


Do You Want Jaw-Dropping Results?

At this point, you might be wondering exactly what results you can expect from this program.

(After all, you’ve probably tried a bunch of programs that didn’t deliver).

So, what can you expect when you work with us?

Although everyone's outcomes are going to be different, some of the most common results we see in just 56 days are…

Target Belly Fat Specifically

Get Rid of That Holiday Bloat

Ditch the Carb and Sugar Cravings

Drop Inches From Your Entire Body

Rev up Your Metabolism to Burn Fat Faster

Tight and Tone Your Body

Feel Energized, Vibrant and Strong

Firm Up Hips & Thighs & Behind

Tone Your Shoulders, Back & Arms (no more bat wings)

Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Glow With Total CONFIDENCE When You Put On Your Bathing Suit!


If you want to receive the same hands-on coaching, support, and guidance you need to achieve your goals and fast-track your results ...

Then our 2022 New Year - New You Transformation Challenge could be exactly what you need to get there.

What’s Included In The 2022:

The 2022 New Year - New You Transformation Challenge: Is a fast-paced, motivational challenge designed to help you shed those unwanted LBs and fast-track your fitness goals (not to mention crush those New Year's Resolutions!)

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 5-8

• You will be given our 40-page Transformation Success Manual

• You will go through a Natural Detox

• You can do up to 2 Semi-Private Training Sessions Per Week

• You can do up to 2 Large Group Training Sessions Per Week

• You also get 2 more workouts to do on your own per week

• You will get tools to Recover more effectively between workouts

• The Nutrition Plan is Very Simple and Very Effective

• Beginning Body-scans and Photos

• Goal-setting sheets

• Daily motivational communication

• Private Facebook Group

• You will be given a 2nd New Transformation Success Manual

• You can do up to 2 Semi-Private Training Sessions Per Week

• You can do up to 2 Large Group Training Sessions Per Week

• You also get 2 more workouts to do on your own per week

• You will get tools to help you learn to Sleep deeper which will help

you lose body-fat and improve your hormone balance

• You will get our “Next Step” meal plan and recipe guide that teaches

you how to eat and cook to still lose fat, while getting back to eating

in a way that is sustainable after the program is over

• Ending Body-scans and Photos

100% Exclusive to GO: Fitness!

The 2022 New Year - New You Program Is Powered By:

Integrated Functional Training System

8-Week Progressive Fat Loss Training/Exercise Program

With 2 Semi-Private Training Sessions per week, 2 large-group training sessions, unlimited online sessions and "on-your-own" sessions, we are going to be able to get you into shape, no matter what your experience/fitness level is.

We have you covered to have fun and get results!

2 Custom Nutrition Plans

You can't "Out-Train'' a bad diet. So we took out all the guesswork and provided you with what to eat, how much and how often. It’s literally foolproof.

What sets our challenge apart from all the others is you get TWO phases of meal planning - a fast track fat loss diet followed by a sustainable weight loss to lifetime meal plan.No other program out there gives you the tools to keep you on track after their program end.

We are completely unique by offering the 2 diets!

Progressive Recovery Program

Recovery and mobility are two of the most over-looked parts of getting results, but one of the most vital to not only your short term goals, but also for your long term health.

We are going to give you the education and tools to help you recover more effectively.

Education & Accountability

It's almost impossible to get the best result on your own. Everyone needs help, and that is why we are here.

This program not only tells you what to do, but why.

You are also going to get daily accountability and motivational email to keep you on track!

2022 Is Your Chance To FINALLY Drop Those 15-30 LBs, And Reclaim Your Glowing Confidence!

  • Do you keep starting and quitting New Year's Resolutions (and feeling awful whenever it happens!)?
  • Are you sick and tired of trying to lose the same 15-30 pounds every single year?
  • Are you uncomfortable in your clothes… but you are NOT ready to buy the next size up yet?
  • Do you struggle with consistently low energy that just seems to get worse and worse- no matter how much coffee you’re drinking?
  • Do you have a constant craving for sweets and junk, even though you know it will leave you feeling even WORSE than before?
  • Is your motivation to workout doesn’t last for more than a couple of weeks (or days!)?
  • Do you want a dynamic, interesting workout and meal plan that isn’t boring, exhausting or extremely restrictive?
  • Are you wanting to ditch the bloat and feel energetic, vibrant and full of life again?
  • Are you ready for the support and guidance (not to mention motivation), to FINALLY crush your goals and see long-term changes in your body?

Imagine Waking Up In 8 Weeks To A New Body, Boundless Energy, And A Whole Lot Of Confidence.

Our program was designed for YOU. We made every step convenient and easy to implement. We know our program works, and that's why we guarantee results!

Guaranteed Results

Custom Nutrition Plan

Personalized Progressive

Fat Loss Training

We know everyone is different, and that is why we customize each workout to your individual needs giving you the perfect workout every time.

You can't "Out - Train" a bad diet. So we took out all the guess work and will provide you with what to eat, how much and how often. It is literally fool proof.

Live Coaching

We are going to provide help in these 4 areas:

• Education

• Motivation

• Accountability

• Recovery

Does This Program Actually Work?

The most common feeling when people first learn about our 2022 New Year - New You 8 Week Transformation Program is skepticism...

Does this program actually work?

And to be honest, if I hadn't seen, first hand, the amazing results our clients experienced every time we run a challenge; I would be skeptical too...

I don't want you to take our word for it on whether our 2022 New Year - New You 8 Week Transformation Program works or not...

Instead, just look at some of the incredible proof-positive pictures form our recent 6- Week Transformation Challenges. (this program is 8 weeks, so you should end up with even better results!)

With TRANSFORMATIONS like these, there's no doubting why our programs fill up every time we run them.

Wouldn't you love to be our next success story?

Wouldn't you love to have incredible before and after photos?

Wouldn't you love to gain well earned confidence and results?

You just need to take action...

Your First Step Is...



Nothing happens until you make a DECISION. So step 1 is deciding and taking action by claiming a spot in our 2022 New Year - New You Transformation Challenge.

To claim your spot, click the big button that says "Reserve My Spot NOW"



Congratulations, the first step was actually the hardest. Now all you need to do is COMMIT to following the simple plan we will lay out for you for the next 8 weeks.

Many people have successfully blazed this path before you, all you need to do is follow one step at a time - all the way to your goals. And... we can guarantee your results based on our proven track record for success.



The next 56 days will come and go regardless of what you do. But if you DECIDE and then COMMIT, you will truly have something to CELEBRATE at the end of your 2022 New Year - New You Transformation Challenge.

Can it be that simple? Yes. Yes it is!

Take the 1st Step & Reserve Your Spot Right Now

Please Reserve My Spot!

No Payment Required At This Time.

What You Can Expect In 8 Weeks.

Although everyone's outcomes are going to be different, some of the most common results we see in just 8 weeks are...

  • Lose Weight Without Counting Calories
  • Drop Inches From Your Entire Body
  • Rev up You Metabolism to Burn Fat Faster
  • Tighten and Tone Your Body
  • Feel Energized, Vibrant and Strong
  • Firm Up Hips & Thighs & Behind
  • Tone Your Shoulders, Back & Arms (no more batwings)
  • Target Belly Fat Specifically
  • Get Rid of That Holiday Bloat
  • Ditch the Carb and Sugar Cravings
  • Glow With Total CONFIDENCE When You Put On Your Bathing Suit!
I'm Ready To Feel Better!

What You're Going To Get:

4-6 Results-Driven Workouts Per Week

In the 56 days with us, you get customized workouts around YOUR body and YOUR abilities. These are NOT cookie cutter programs that you'll see in on-line. We take into account how you move and what you're capable of, and we build YOUR workout plan around YOU to ensure that you get the best results as quickly and safely as possible. All we're asking is to see you in here giving your best 4x per week...that's it!

$604 value

Two Unique 28-Day Nutritional Meal Guides

Yes, this is one of the MAJOR components of this program. We all know it's about the diet (hate that word) but we are going to make sure you follow scientifically proven systems that will still have you eating real food, and plenty of it. In fact we will cover so much nutrition that there is no way we won't find a meal plan or program that works for YOU, YOUR life, and YOUR schedule. Abs are made in the Kitchen!!

$394 value

Recipe Manual + Grocery List

Eating better doesn't have to entail only eating tilapia, brown rice, broccoli, and water.

You'll have REAL food that won't leave you feeling deprived... and even after the program is over you'll still want to continue to make these recipes on a daily basis.

value: $299

2022 New Year - New You Success Manual

Don't you ever wish that you had a book to tell you everything that you wanted to know about what you're going though, why it happened, and what you can expect to happen over the course of your weight loss journey? Well that's EXACTLY what we give you in our New Year Success Manual! It's loaded with pro strategies and tips to help you achieve maximum results in a short period of time.

value: priceless

Personal Goal Setting

We'll get laser-focused on what YOU want to achieve and why you want it. We'll set specific milestones and focus on the habits that you need to create to get there. Plus, we'll check in along the way to make sure you're staying on track! Success leaves clues, and we'll be there every step of the way to make sure you're getting great results!

value: priceless

Tracking & Accountability

We hold you to a higher standard than you may hold yourself, because if you're not accountable to someone... only YOU know if you did, or did not workout. Our entire focus is on getting you results. That’s why we have developed a progress tracking system for all of our clients. We will always know what’s working and what’s not. And let's face it, we've all signed up for a "Gym," gone for a few days / weeks, and then poof... fall right back into our old habits. Well not here at

GO: Fitness! We'll call or email you if we don't see you, so you better be ready for some commitment!

$297 value

Daily Motivation

No one ever said this was going to be easy. Even with us at your side coaching you every step of the way there are going to be some days that will test your will power, we all have them. What we do to help out is send you some of most motivational quotes, stories and emails to just remind you why you started and to not give up. C'mon, you've got this...and we've got you covered :)

value: priceless

Private Facebook Group

You have Facebook, right? We will add you to a private group just for people doing the program so that you can ask any questions that pop up in your mind and not only get answers from our qualified trainers, but answers from others that are doing the program as well! This alone will give you ideas that you never thought about, and help keep you on your game throughout this program.

value: priceless!


When you join the 2022 New Year - New You 8 Week Transformation Program, we literally remove ALL of the guesswork you have to do with other programs...

and we give you a complete, detailed program with the exact steps you need to take to get amazing results in just 56 days.

But This Program Isn't For Everyone...

At GO: Fitness we have a reputation for being the "last stop for fitness results!''

We're proud of this reputation and attribute it to only working with people who are 100% ready to change their lives.

If you are not ready to jump in head first, prepared to do the work - then unfortunately this program isn't for you...

But if you are fed up with not feeling like you're living up to your potential, then our 2022 New Year - New You 8 Week Transformation Program is the perfect solution for you!

Right now, we're accepting applications (link is below). Once you apply and reserve your spot (we are only letting 20 non-members in), we will contact you for a quick chat to make sure we are a good fit for each other. There's absolutely ZERO obligation to join.

From there, the last step is getting you enrolled and scheduling your orientation!

It's that easy. Click the button below to reserve your spot (it's free to apply).

I'm Ready To Transform!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

GO: Fitness

1459 King Ave.

Columbus, OH 43212


What are your class/session times?

When you reserve your spot, we will send you a schedule to make sure the session times fit with your schedule.

We are creating more sessions for this transformation and you will be one of the first to see it.

What's the difference between this and other gyms or bootcamp/large group style workouts?

GO: Fitness is all about fun and working out effectively, but the workouts are also based on science. It's not hard to put people through a hard workout that makes them hurt, but it is harder and more important to work people smarter so they can keep coming back and getting results.

With over 32 years of experience, the Owner/Head Coach at GO: Fitness knows how to get you results in the shortest amount of time, safely!

If I am out of shape can I still do the program?


Our Trainers/Coaches are masters of pushing you to your own personal limits and keeping you safe.

We are the experts at helping the beginner be successful.

How many sessions can I attend per week?

You will have 2 Semi-Private Training Sessions and 2 Large Group Training Sessions per week.

We also will also give you 2 more "on your own" training sessions, and we broadcast all of our large group sessions on Zoom!

Does it include a nutrition plan too?


Nutrition is going to play a huge role in your success."You cannot out train a poor diet!"

We want you to be successful after the Transformation Challenge also, so we have 2 nutrition plans to get you results and maintain them when you move to the next stage of your fitness journey.

When does this program official start?

Official Start Day is Monday January 17th

Orientations will be held on: (you must attend 1)

• Saturday January 15th


• Sunday January 16th

What if I have more questions?

Please call: 614-481-8080 (ask for Sharon)



How much does the Transformation Program cost?

$349.00 (yup, that's it)

You will be getting 2 months of Semi-Private Training (6 people max) and 2 months of Large Group (12 people max). Plus unlimited gym access.

We do have specials if you and a friend sign up together, just contact us for more information.

We have extremely high success rates, so if you can commit to it, there is no reason you will not be happy with your results!

Please Reserve My Spot!

No Payment Required At This Time.


Our Location

GO: Fitness Center

1459 King Ave

Columbus, OH 43212



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